Day 8
No make up So I um have gained weight? I kinda knew it would happen but I really thought it would be a pound or two not 7! But I am drinking lots of water and I am not eating carbs! Well not many carbs, usually under 10 a day. So to recap I lost 12 and gained back 7 in week one. I got on the scale this morning to see I had magically lost 5 pounds over night! So Back at 10lb loss this week not shabby! Not really sure what is going on with my body but I hope I can continue to lose weight. I was heart broken to see 312lbs last night. This morning I was 307, Can I tell you how excited I am to almost be in the two hundreds! I cant wait! Super excited! Lowest I have got was 305lb, but here is to hoping this week is the week! My diabetes is Off the charts better than it was I am in the 140 range when "before" (I think ill be saying this a lot :-) it was around 350's. So one of the side effects of dropping bl...